
API - Added ability to edit Webhook configuration

πŸš€ Feature Release

Locations included in a webhook can now be updated using the API. This new endpoint requires the access scope write:device.

The endpoint is created using the PATCH method, applying the concept from this RFC allowing the user to perform multiple operations on a resource.

The endpoint at this stage only takes the locations path.

Note that we do not allow adding an empty location to the webhook, therefore, a device must be added to a location before it can be added to the webhook.

To edit locations on a webhook, use the following endpoint with the example request body:

PATCH /webhooks/{webhookId}?organizationId={organizationId}
  "operations": [
    // Add location to a webhook
      "op": "ADD",
      "path": "locations",
      "value": [
    // Remove certain locations from a webhook
      "op": "REMOVE",
      "path": "locations",
      "value": [
    // Remove all locations from a webhook
      "op": "REMOVE",
      "path": "locations"