
API - Hiding unpaired devices in responses by default

✨ Improvements

We have received some feedback about unpaired/retired devices being returned by our endpoints.

Having old devices in the response makes it harder to know if a device in the response is active in an account or not.

To address this we added a new default to hide segments and devices due to unpaired or decommissioned devices from the following endpoints:


Getting old segments of unpaired devices and unpaired devices can still be done by providing the query parameter: showInactive=true

Consider the following response from the /devices endpoint, the device 2930002398 has been decommissioned,
hence its segment is active=false, it is only returned by the endpoint, when the query parameter showInactive=true is present.

  "devices": [
      "id": "2930000351",
      "deviceType": "WAVE_PLUS",
      "sensors": [
      "segment": {
        "id": "6b761d0e-c1a4-4607-b52b-2ae6e4320e29",
        "name": "Hardware Area",
        "started": "2018-11-19T16:51:51",
        "active": true
      "location": {
        "id": "0a4fa775-1bed-455b-b1b1-b91d40df667b",
        "name": "Airthings HQ - Oslo"
      "id": "2930002398",
      "deviceType": "WAVE_PLUS",
      "sensors": [
      "segment": {
        "id": "d36a7733-bac9-47af-b8af-094da015e41f",
        "name": "NOx - Meeting Room",
        "started": "2018-12-06T14:46:06",
        "active": false
      "location": {
        "id": "0a4fa775-1bed-455b-b1b1-b91d40df667b",
        "name": "Airthings HQ - Oslo"