
Webhooks - Added Ventilation Rate Events

We added a new webhook event type ventilation-sample-feed that provides samples from the ventilation rate virtual sensor. The event is triggered whenever the virtual sensor is calculated.

The data contains airflow in cubic meters per hour and number of air exchanges per hour as airExchangeRate:

	"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-0000000000",
	"type": "airthings-webhook-cloudevent-ventilation-sample-feed",
	"source": "",
	"dataContentType": "application/json",
	"labels": {},
	"data": [
			"serialNumber": "0000000000",
			"recorded": "2024-07-08T20:00:00.0Z",
			"airflow": 98.93,
			"airExchangeRate": 4.46,
			"sensorUnits": {
				"airExchangeRate": "ach",
				"airflow": "m3h"
		// ... (next 23 samples)
	"time": "2024-07-08T20:00:00.0Z",
	"specVersion": "0.2"

You can subscribe to this event using the dashboard or the API. See more about the event type here in the webhook documentation.